Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dissection of the Awesome List: 1-10

I am dissecting the list I just wrote last night so sit back and relax as I share why I think these things are awesome.

1. When kids hit the age that you are the best person ever - You know how little kids get so attached to one person and they think that they are the bee's knees? I mean seriously, who doesn't enjoy that?

2. Laughing at a stranger with another stranger - We have all done it. Whether it be the person in front of you who is buying crazy things or the person at the gym who is really into their work-outs, and music.

3. The smell of the library - Okay old books, 'nuff said.

4. Newborn baby smell - Heaven in a baby.

5. When someone has already highlighted the answers in your used textbook - Okay that is quite possible the best thing ever, lazy, but so awesome!

6. Sunday afternoon naps - Need I say more? Who doesn't like a Sunday afternoon nap?

7. Freshly washed cars - The shimmer of the car and the smell of fresh wax, nothing beats it!

8. Little kids showing their muscles - So precious. Kids are the bomb, especially ones who show you their muscles.

9. Free food - The best kind of food. No doubt about it!

10. Seeing a skyline appear in the distance at sunset - It might just be my inner photographer talking but seriously isn't that like the prettiest thing ever? It just makes you feel... Peaceful, and in awe of what our Father created!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with number 5. In fact, I'm going to make it even worse by saying "When someone has highlighted the answers in your Bible Study book.

    Someone is going to make a billion dollars off publishing their Beth Moore Bible Study answers...
