Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sleeping blog

Lately I have gotten in the habit of writing blogs half way through, get bored with them or realize that they are pointless, then stop writing them.

Then is is another week before I actually finish a successful one.

Another thing I have been doing lately is wishing that I had a better blog style.

You maybe asking yourself, 'What the heck is she talking about?'

Well, I will tell you.

My blogs are boring.

Spiritual, yes

Entertaining, no.

Or so I find.

You know it is pretty sad when you have to google things to talk about.

Alas, I must do so in order to create a readable blog.

So sorry to all you people reading this.

I know that once again you have read another boring Alex blog.

I hope you didn't fall asleep.

That would be pretty sad.

I can see it now.

Some of you people are just reading so that you can fall asleep at night.

While that should hurt my feelings, I find that quite amusing.

I think people sleeping at odd time are amusing.

Falling asleep in church,

Falling asleep during a meeting,

Falling asleep in class,

Falling asleep at a friend's house (when you aren't supposed to be sleeping, Dad)

People falling asleep are just plain funny.

And the noises they make.

I must admit that I too make funny snores.

One time my mom swore that there was a cat in the house

Turns out it was me snoring.

Yes, I am quite fluent in the art of animal noises while asleep

Yeah, I am just that talented

Monday, April 11, 2011

The All-Powerful One

So you should all know that by now I have the amazing privilege to be a United States Senate Page but I don't think I shared the story of how it came to be. Let's start at the beginning shall we. In the 9th grade I learned about the Page Program in school and at the time I really wanted to be in government. I would still like to be in politics but I am not completely sure. I got really excited and googled (Yes, I google quite frequently) it that very afternoon. Of course for some reason I found squat about it. After digging, and digging, and digging and more googling I FINALLY found something that gave me more info and OF COURSE I was too young. I forgot about it for a year and then I was thinking randomly about it in November so I once again googled it. I contacted both of my Senators and I found that Senator Richard Shelby had an opening for Fall 2011/2012, Spring 2012 and Summer 2012. I requested an info packet and pretty much jumped up and down when I got it! I did everything I could, I wrote a letter, a resume, got my transcripts and asked for recommendation letters. When the holidays came around, I got so busy that I forgot about my application until I came across it in January. Then I really got down to business and and I remember my excitement as I slipped those papers into that Manila envelope. As we drove to the post office I prayed over the package. God had gotten me this far so it was up to Him if I went any further. I prayed with urgency, worry, fear, excitement, and hope. It really was up to him. I had people praying for me, I prayed for me and I tried to delight myself in the Lord. I longed to go and experience DC by myself in a way not a lot of people did! I wanted it so bad that I thought I would be crushed if I didn't get it! In March I had a ton of worries and a lot of anxiety. God came to me and told me that I would be fine if I didn't get into the program. Another part of my brain just kept on saying 'I want this so bad'. I literally mentally fought myself for 20 minutes and I finally said 'Okay God, you know what? I give up.' I gave up and let myself let go of that immense burden I put on my own shoulders. That was Sunday night. On Tuesday I got a call from Senator Shelby's office saying that the person who was supposed to be coming for their July session had to drop out and that they were looking for someone to fill in. I know that the girl I was talking to couldn't possible pick this up over the phone, but I was seriously about to have a heart attack. I, without pausing or thinking for a split second, said of course. She told me I would hear by the end of the week. I probably screamed and jumped up and down for 10 minutes. The rush of excitement hit me and I believe a rush of panic hit my parents. My mom said that the only reason they let me apply was that they never thought I would get it (Yeah, they were so encouraging). The summer session wasn't really what I wanted but I was going to jump at the opportunity! Thursday, 2 days later, I got the call. I was it. I called my parents, my grandparents, and it was on Facebook almost instantly. God really taught me a lesson this time by giving me the desires of my heart. From the very beginning I gave this situation to Him and trusted and He worked His miracles and gave me, a little Alabama girl, the opportunity of the lifetime. There are still many questions and what ifs as of right now, but I just have to trust every single day that His will is for this and He will work it out. I wait everyday for the mail hoping that the package will come that day. I ask that you, dear reader, will pray for me. Pray that God gives me and my parents peace. Pray that God will give me the finances to reach DC and support myself for that wonderful month. Pray that while I'm up there God will draw me closer to Him. Thanks, and remember God is the All-Powerful One!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Bet She Hates Them Jubbly-Jubs

So you know those random conversations you hear as you pass somebody in the store or hear at a restaurants as you wait for your meal?

The conversations you almost feel embarrassed to be listening to?

Yes, those.

My favorite kinds of conversations to listen to are;

A) Break-up stories

B) Conversations about family/coworkers/friends that aren't the nicest

C) Stories that involve passionate black women.

And D) Awkward first date conversations

Example A) I was sitting in PF Chang's and a girl who was probably, I don't know, 16 or 17 was going on about how she didn't know what went wrong with her relationship.

Apparently she was doing all the right things,

Calling him every night,

Cleaning his house,

Cooking his food.

She figured everything was okay and that he was going to propose the night he broke up with her.

Sounds to me that boy wanted a maid, not a girlfriend

Example B) One day we were in Sam's Club getting things and we were walking down a aisle and we crossed paths with a couple of black ladies.

The only thing I heard out of that conversation was, 'I know she can not stand to look at herself in the mirror with all them jubbly-jubs'.

I kid you not, those are the exact words.

We just figured that 'jubbly-jubs' are fat.

I think that we would be right about that guess.

Example C) A lady was on the phone with someone saying that she wouldn't believe that Shannon was letting that [insert mean word] fool live in her house.

She the proceeded to say that he was going to get all her babies kilt and if she didn't kick him out she (the lady on the phone) was going to call the police and get them babies.

The person said something on the other line then the lady said, 'I don't care if their momma is a good person, if you lay around all day smokin weed, you ain't supposed to be feed no kids'.

Except with a few more.... colorful words inserted.

And finally we come to my most favorite:

Example D) Girl: So, you grew up in Chicago?

Guy: Yeah

Girl: Oh, was it nice?

Guy: Yeah

[Long awkward pause]

Guy: What do your parents do?

Girl: Well my dad is a lawyer and-

Guy: Oh so your dad is rich?

Girl: Yeah something like that

(Seriously these words were actually spoken.)

I bet you can guess who picked up the tab

Ahhh, the joys of conversations we aren't supposed to hear.